we add value beyond capital, thereby accelerating growth
  • We accelerate cycle times by opening doors, thanks to our unrivaled global relationships and network.
  • We built a curated bench of proven subject matter experts that help execute strategy and plans.
  • L’ATTITUDE Ventures coaches founders to understand, communicate, and define their strategy and execution plan.
  • Capital is always important, but must be complemented with strategy, execution, and acceleration.
Transformational strategic and operational support.
Focus on specific value-creation areas.
Year-round portfolio engagement.
Operational and Strategic Support is Mission Critical
  • Increasing efficiency.
  • Accelerating sales.
  • Bolstering companies for leaps in fundraising and scale.
  • Closely monitor strategy and milestones.
  • Address anticipated challenges.
  • Outline our role to accelerate progress.
  • Operating Experts and Strategic Advisors actively guide our portfolio companies.
  • Share leading practices, processes, and distribution process.
  • Committed to an open-door relationship.
  • Structured to tackle all challenges facing our portfolio companies.
  • Align with founders on direction of the business.
  • Ensure our portfolio stats true to our purpose.
Proactive Portfolio Engagement
Our Task Force comprises specialized operators and world-class advisors.
Strategic Advisors

Visible and mission-aligned executives provide invaluable industry coaching and connections that position companies for scale.
Operating Experts

Technology, supply chain, production, and distribution specialists identify and resolve the most critical needs of portfolio companies.
We add value in key strategic areas:

Leveraging the industry and operational strategies, developed by Sol Trujillo, that put the customer at the center of everything. Entrepreneurs will be guided on how to calibrate every element and stage of the customer’s contact with the company’s technology, people, and processes.

Accelerating the development, improvement, and time-to-market of technology, as well as strengthening the competitive advantage of technology through intellectual property and business intelligence.

When ready, introducing lean enterprise principles and operating procedures that improve cycle times, operating efficiencies, and operational scale.

Helping management further build scalable processes, reporting standards, and performance metrics, thereby preparing them for the next stage of institutional funding and customer relationships.
We add value in key strategic areas:
We provide timely and year-round support to our portfolio companies
Strategic Planning
L’ATTITUDE Ventures takes a hands-on approach to helping founders reach milestones and succeed. The firm can help in a wide range of ways; however, we concentrate on key elements such as talent/hiring, go-to-market/distribution, partnerships/ customers, and operating efficiency.
Quarterly Review
Throughout the year, our leadership team and advisors meet on a recurring basis with portfolio company founders to address key needs, milestones, plans, and asks.
L’ATTITUDE Ventures hosts the entrepreneurial and investment vertical of the L'ATTITUDE conference, called Match-Up. The annual Match-Up program and broader conference is a special opportunity for L’ATTITUDE Ventures to match its portfolio companies with its LP, investor, and corporate network. For the L’ATTITUDE Ventures ecosystem, this is our annual meeting. New portfolio investments as well as current portfolio companies are highlighted and activated throughout the L'ATTITUDE conference for visibility and growth opportunities.
L’ATTITUDE Ventures invests at any time throughout the year. All general partners actively source and assess deals, both initial and follow-on opportunities.

L’ATTITUDE Ventures seeks to lead investment rounds and take an active role in governance (e.g., board seat). We also constantly engage our LPs and investors to bolster founder cap tables throughout rounds.